I have always favoured a D shaped handle that you can get your whole hand into. The curved D shape has no sharp edges to knock into and does not protrude too far out.

Olivia Robertson

Independent OT

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Thanks for the suggestion Olivia. I have sent yours and other comments about the design and layout of the Blackwood House to our Strategic Development Director who is overseeing the project.


Hi Olivia,

What would your thoughts be on push opening system door units for the kitchen? No sharp handles to knock into and the user just has to give the door a nudge for a gap to open up. They can then slip a hand or a couple fingers into the opening to fully pull the door open. Something like this?


Hi Paul,

Yes, great idea. They would certainly work. There may need to be some kind of indication as to which side the push opener was, for someone partially sighted, such as a contrast stripe though.



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