Dear Bespoken friends,


You may have had opportunity in the past, through Bespoken, to read about Neatebox’s work in both accessible tourism and accessible pedestrian crossings.  With our FREE  to all smart phone tourist guide now live on the Royal Mile (Apple Store link below) we are turning attention to our two edinburgh trials of our automated pedestrian crossing device.  For those unaware of our work I during my 18 years working for Guide Dogs for the Blind I had recognised that interacting with the pedestrian crossing control button was a bit of a pain for people with visual impairment.  Closer research informed me that this interaction was equally a pain for a whole host of other people eg wheel chair users, mobility scooter users, and generally a whole host of other people with various mobility challenges.  The Neatebox button press connects you to the crossing via a free app on your smart phone which we have now extended through the Apple smart watch (freeing up hands).  Ok, we admit that the Watch, due to cost, is out of reach for most people just now but with an eye on the future we feel it is something which will become more and more affordable.  So, knowing you are at the crossing and knowing your smart device has pressed the button for you or can tell you that someone else has pressed the button is not only possible but we believe irresistible with trials of our system coming up early in 2016. 

We have two sites in Edinburgh on which we will be running these trials.  A four way crossing on Lauriston Place in Edinburgh funded by Lothian Health Board and a single road crossing at RBS’s head office at Gogarburn. 


With the trials set to prove that the technology is viable we are looking for a group of volunteers (out of pocket expenses paid as well as a coffee and cake) who may be interested in feeding back their thoughts on the system in order for us to prove its value to the authorities whilst at the same time find ways in which we can improve it and make it more efficient. 


We can think of no better group of people to enlist than Bespoken’s membership and recognise that there is not only a breath of experience but also a willingness by Bespoken members to be actively involved in providing the the solutions of tomorrow as soon as possible if they can positively enhance people's lives.


If you are interested in being involved then it would be great to hear from you at and if you would like to read a little more on our work then please drop by our web site at or our Facebook site “Neatebox Ltd”.


Of course I am also happy to hear from interested parties on the phone on 07429155934.


And if you are wanting to give our tour guide a spin, it's Free to download and use on the App Store at.  Edinburgh Up Close app: Footsteps Through Time by Neatebox


All the very best for 2016 to you all and I look forward to hearing from you.



 Link to BBC report with Ian Hamiliton - Neatebox crossing

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