Volunteer a few hours of your time to make Telford mobility event one of the best

A national charity seeks volunteers to join a ‘meet and greet’ team welcoming visitors to the UK’s premier mobility and independent lifestyle event that is taking place for the first time in Telford.

Thousands of visitors from right across the UK, Europe and beyond are expected at the Mobility Roadshow from Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th June at the Telford International Centre. This is the 30th anniversary celebration of the Roadshow, which brings together all the latest technology, gizmos and gadgets to help disabled and older people who need a little help to get around and be more independent.

Volunteers will join the team of Roadshow Rangers to meet and greet visitors, hand out show guides and direct visitors from the car parks to the Telford International Centre.

Roadshow Rangers are being recruited for full or half day shifts on any or all of the three days on behalf of the Mobility Roadshow by Telford and Wrekin Volunteer Centre. Please contact the Centre on 01952 567 800 to find out more.

“Please help us if you can. Even if you can donate only half a day of your time you will be making a huge contribution in helping our visitors to find what they came to see; products and service that could change their lives!,” said Jacqui Jones, chief executive of Mobility Choice, the charity that organises the show. “We want to make Telford a memorable Mobility Roadshow year for all our visitors.”

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