The next three years are heading for being a nightmare as the welfare reforms kick in. I work with people with long term conditions and already the letters, the assessments and the appeals are stacking up. I am getting to know some of the information and processes you need to look out for. Any questions, post them here and if I can I will give you a steer. Hopefully fellow members will also chip in. I just see that people don't know what to do. My three crucial pieces of advice are:

if you are called for any kind of benefit assessment, or need to fill out a form seek help and advice, either from CAB or another advocacy and advice organisation.

Always appeal any decision

Always think of the hardest and most difficult day you have and fill in any assessment form from this basis and in your head go though every routine of your day and see all the little adjustments and handy tools you use to manage to do something and put these down at the appropriate point, or in the other information box!

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Comment by bespoken Team on January 11, 2013 at 15:32

Fiona, thanks for the post and the offer of a advice

Kind regards


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