It's Not That I Don't Want To Help Myself

It’s not that I’m being ungrateful for your suggestions, on the contrary I am touched and very grateful that you thought of me and offered support. My apparent lack of willingness to take on these suggestions comes not from not wanting to help myself but just from the fact that over the last ten years I have tried so many things, including the things you suggested and they just don’t work. The most they can offer is maybe more effective illness management. This illness takes so much away from you and the last thing you do is sit back and let it do it’s nasty work.

You try to get better, you have hope in all the things that are suggested and you try your dammdest to be positive. I have what I call ‘Positivity Posters’

Over the years I have tried… Reiki (becoming a Reiki Master along the way myself), Reflexology, Various types of therapeutic massage, Soma Colour Therapy, Faith Healing, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Herbalism, too many different supplements to name, a lot of different prescribed medications, CBT, counselling, illness management classes, positive thinking, meditation, aquatherapy, various diets including raw, yeast free, gluten free, chakra realignment, crystal healing (going on courses myself to learn how to do it). I’ve had an operation on my nose to help me sleep.

After a few years of trying every therapy, complimentary or medical I realised I was putting my life on hold and just looking to tomorrow, for the cure and I needed to come to terms with the fact that this was not going to happen anytime soon and I needed to start living my life again, albeit differently. I needed to stop talking about when I would be well enough to go dancing again etc and actually do things I was capable of instead and find new doable interests. Hence the photography for me.

So please don’t think badly of me if I appear like I don’t want to ‘help myself’. It’s not that, it’s just that whatever anyone suggests I have probably tried it several times over and I don’t want to waste any more time or energy or get my hopes up on things that don’t work. I am a very positive person actually and of course I hope for a cure, but I’m not going to spend what life I have got chasing every ‘remedy’ on the market anymore xxxx Share this: Share

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