bespoken is very pleased to announce that we have three Blackwood tenants joining us at Naidex this year!

Anne Walker, of Hurlford, Christine Summers, Elgin and Margaret McEleny, Greenock, are joining bespoken to review the latest disability products and devices on display at the event.  They'll be armed with video cameras to demonstrate the best products on offer for the website.

Here's what our three reviewers have to say; 

Anne, who previously worked as a bus driver before requiring the use of a wheelchair said

“I am thoroughly looking forward to going to Naidex, I’m hoping to find lots of products which will help me gain more independence and to do to everyday activities, which I once took for granted, by myself again.  I am keen to find some devices which help me move from my mobility scooter to the car and back again, without any help.  Its often hard to find out about products which aid independence but I’m hopeful there will be lots at Naidex, which I can then share with others through bespoken.”

Christine requires the use of a wheelchair full-time added;

“I haven’t managed to attend Naidex for over twelve years, I am really grateful to have the opportunity to attend this year and I am looking forward to getting down there to see what’s on the market.  As I require the use of a wheelchair permanently I am keen to discover the latest designs and in particular items which will make using a wheelchair far more comfortable.”

Margaret added;

“I have been to a few disability exhibitions before, however never on the size and scale of Naidex, I’m really grateful for the opportunity to attend and I’m looking forward to it.  Although I am interested in products which will help me gain more independence using my wheelchair, I also have lots of hobbies like keep fit and travel so I am particularly interested in finding out what items are out there that will allow me to continue these pursuits.”

Joining them on the trip is a team of staff from Blackwood including Foundation Director David Jarrold, Communications and Marketing Coordinator Stacey Blevins, Housing Officer Jennifer Macrae and Housing Support Assistant Hayley Walmsley.

Everyone is really looking forward to getting to Naidex to find out what's on offer, which we will report back on via bespoken.  We will also have regular Facebook and Twitter updates during the week - so stay tuned.  In the meantime if you are unable to make it to Naidex but are keen to find out about certain items, please let us know and we can look into it for you!

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