Rope & Hook:

Once I mastered picking up flat objects I turned my attention to trying to create something that would allow me to pick up round or cylindrical shaped items.  Again, it was a matter of trial, error and frustration. What I ended up with is simple and performs many different functions. All you need is a length of strong rope and an "S" hook. The rope I use is called Spectra Cord and can be purchased in most stores which sell outdoor equipment. The "S" hook I took off one of my wife's hanging plants. By pure luck the opening of the hook fits securely around the neck of a soda bottle so I can easily pick up a bottle I drop. The "S" hook could also be bent to achieve a desired opening. If you feed the hook through the loop in the handle you can use it to pick up objects with a greater diameter such as the four battery flashlight in the picture.  In making the handle it is best to use a knot called a bowline which can never get any tighter, so you do not have to worry about the rope tightening on your hand.  The knot on the other end is a double half hitch.  That knot is one that never loosens once it is tight.  The rope can be fastened directly to the "S" hook  but I found it more functional  to make the connection with a rapid link, also available in any outdoor store.  In the photos to the right you can see pictures of how to tie the 2 knots. You also can place a magnet on the hook to pick up pieces of metal that you have dropped. Once you start using the rope and hook you will find many other things to do with it.  Re: Closing doors, picking up most things that have a loop on it (which is why I put a loop on most everything I use).

Homemade rope and hook

Rope & Hook Video: The Hooker

Hooking and lifting a full soda bottle

Using handle as a lasso to lift up a flashlight


Hooking and lifting a TV remote

Using hook to close a door

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