Pneumatic lifts could provide an adaptable and cost-effective solution for disabled access in public places and houses of two- or more storeys.

"Pneumatic vacuum elevators" use air pressure to move you up and down. The turbines at the top of the lift pull the car up and air cushions it as it descends.

Unlike conventional lifts it does not require huge amounts of space or costly structural alterations. The elevator is extremely light and self-supporting and can be installed in a matter of hours. Maintenance of lots of moving mechanical parts is unnecessary and it is safe from electrical power failure as the car automatically locks on each floor below it as it descends.


There are already over 300 of this type of lifts installed, including some models that are large enough to fit a wheelchair or other mobility device. We think these lifts could be a convenient and cost-effective solution for independent living. Something to keep an eye on.


For more information click here

[image/video: Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators LLC]


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