Input to help the development of a nationally funded design project to improve posture, stability and positioning for wheelchair users(National College of Art and Design, Ireland)

Hi all,

My name is John Horrigan and I am lead designer and founder of Cara Mobility Design, an Irish start-up company whose focus is to create more freedom for the disabled through innovative, user first designs. Cara Mobility Design's other objective is to make sure all its products are stylish and modern, creating pride for the user.

My first project, (which is fully backed by Enterprise Ireland, a state organisation which backs innovation and business development) is an accessory for both manual and powered wheelchairs. 

The design will act as a robust and secure stabiliser / re-positioning tool for wheelchair users with low or limited core strength or strength in the arms, wrists and hands. It will allow wheelchair users to better shift/preposition themselves in their chair and will hopefully offset or limit harmful issues such as pressure sores, muscoskeletal strain, respiratory difficulties, and digestion issues all associated with bad posture 

The accessory will be very easy to use, strong and light and styled to look modern and sophisticated, it will be able to hold a smartphone/tablet to enable wheelchair users to better connect and use the many new and innovative apps.

The project is at early prototyping stage and is constantly being improved as user/expert input is acquired. 

I would be very grateful for any comments/feedback on my idea/design or personal experiences surrounding posture, positioning and stability for wheelchair users

Thanking you in advance,

Kind Regards,


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